Friday, January 08, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I worked at the hospital New Years Eve. I try to find interesting things to talk about with my patients while I'm in the room with them. I asked one patient if he had any resolutions for the new year. He said, " I gave those up 20 years ago." He's not the first person that I've heard remark condescendingly about new years resolutions. In my short life I've vacillated between should I or should I not make new years resolutions. I've been cynical about making resolutions because I've thought, "How contrived and constricting to make a goal to do...(fill in the blank)", or I've said to myself, "it's not spontaneous enough" or I've just thought it's cheesy to have grand and lofty aspirations at the beginning of the year that mostly don't get accomplished. But I think I'm changing my mind.

I think part of the reason so many are so cynical about making goals and resolutions to change is because they have failed so often in the past. But is that a reason to not try again? I was really encouraged by this post on the girltalk blog. One reason we don't reach all of our goals is because we try to do it on our own, apart from strength from God. But that should not stop us from trying again, asking humbly for help from One for whom nothing is impossible. Whether people specifically recognize it or not, I think people give up making goals because they realize they are weak, lack motivation, and are given to failing.

So why make goals? My father in law had a great post on making goals. I would encourage anyone to read it.

I am going to make goals for this year because I see ways in which I can use my time more wisely. So my goals will be an effort to evaluate how I spend my time and look for ways that I can spend it better. I am also going to make goals that will hopefully challenge me. I also want to make goals that are measurable and attainable. As I've stated before, I can have the tendency to make really lofty goals. I also think that I will get more accomplished by having goals. I think that evaluating where you are and what you want to do may help identify things that have or could become idols in my life. I think I will have more freedom by disciplining myself to accomplish certain goals.

I have been reading "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Donald Whitney. In it he talks about how discipline brings freedom. I had to think about this one for a bit because it goes again my free natured self. But it's true. He used the example of someone who is able to use scripture throughout their prayers. The freedom to know and use scripture in prayers comes from the discipline of memorizing scripture on a regular basis. That is just one example but the of freedom through discipline has many applications.

So with God's help I make resolutions for the coming year. With His help I will keep them. I am sure I will not keep all my resolutions because I am a weak human, but I will try. Here they are:

1. I will only watch LOST and 1 hour of other TV a week. (I watch too much TV and love it too much)
2. I will train for a half marathon that is in April. (Physical activity is good, it's something I can do with Joshua and Daniel and I think it's attainable)
3. I will read through the Daily Bible. (I have never read through the Bible in a year)
4. I will memorize the scripture that is suggested to be memorized for small group and bible study. (I am lazy about memorizing scripture, but this is worth working on and totally doable.)
5. I will read Daniel's Bible to him every day. (I want to get into the habit of reading Scripture with Daniel)
6. I will make a book list to read through this year. ( I have time to read, I like to read, and I'll read more if I have a list)
7.I will wait 15 minutes after eating a first helping of food to decide if I am still hungry and want more. (I eat fast and feel hungry and then eat more only to realize that I'm not really hungry and am then too full)
8. I will attempt to have someone over for dinner once a week (This has been something Joshua and I have wanted to do and have not done a good job at, so we'll try again this year.)

So, I think that's it for this year. I might add more. We'll see. What do you think about making resolutions? What are yours if you've made them? If you don't make resolutions, what is the reason?

1 comment:

Jason and Andrea said...

I love your list!!! I am tempted to just copy it for myself, what great goals!! Well except for the mini marathon, since I will be 9 months pregnant in April, that one probably will not be attainable for me.