Tuesday, February 19, 2008


*WARNING-If you don't like feet...you might want to skip this post!

It's almost been a week since I had foot surgery. I went to the Doc yesterday to get my bandage taken off and get a different very stylish shoe to be able to walk around in--without crutches! I haven't taken pictures of that yet...to come later!

So my very wonderful mom came to help out!! This picture was taken the day before surgery. She was such a wonderful blessing to us! She cooked up a storm too so we would have food tucked away in the freezer after she left.

Here's a picture we took the night before surgery of my feet. I had surgery only on the right foot because it was the worst and it was the one that hurt me the most. Lord willing I will not have to have surgery on the other foot.

On Wed. morning we got to the hospital despite all the the snow and freezing rain we had been getting here! I got all changed into the ever fashionable hospital gown, put on my little hospital socks and donned my amazing surgical hair cover! The nurses were all very kind.

It didn't hurt too much to get the IV started and they only asked me about 10 times for my health history! I met the resident that was going to be assisting with the surgery. His name was Paul...that's about all I know about him! It's kind of strange to me how trusting we are students! Dr. Ford was my surgeon and he wisked in for a few minutes. My mom and Joshua got to come into the pre surgery area and we snapped some photos. The nurse then said she was going to give me some medicine that would make me fell drunk. I don't know what it's like to be drunk, but if it is ANYTHING like what those drugs make you feel like you can rest assured that you will never see me drunk. After surgery that was one of the first thoughts that I had...not a good feeling! After they gave me the medicine they wheeled me out of the pre surgery area and the last thing I remember is moving over onto the OR table.

The next thing I remember is being very groggy and someone asking me if I wanted crackers and sprite. "No I would like Coke if you have it". Then in a very hazy sort of blackness I remember eating those crackers and drinking my Coke!

After waiting a bit more the nurse took out my IV, which had started to burn anyway.
I got dressed and got in the wheelchair and Joshua went to get the car. As my mom and I were waiting I got a little sick to my stomach so they told me to take off my coat. That helped. The nurse came up to me and asked me if I knew what her name was. I told her it was Aggie. She said yup, and asked me if I remembered asking her 4 times what her name was! I remember asking once! She said that the first time I asked I had said "oh I'll remember that, it's just like Texas(I guess I was thinking of Texas A&M!)

The rest of the day was pretty good. Dr. Ford had given me some extra numbing so I didn't start to feel my poor foot until about 7pm. David and Susanna from church were so kind and brought us a meal of yummy chili, corn bread and cookies. That was the last meal that I truly enjoyed for a day because I started taking Percocet that night and all the next day it made me sick to my stomach. I think I threw up 3 times(that is why there are NO pictures from Thrusday!) Joshua was in class almost all day so I am really really thankful that my mom was here to take care of me! Thursday night my mom and I decide that Percocet was not worth it anymore so I started taking Ibuprofen. Much , much better! On Friday night we went to the Valentine's Extravaganza at church had had a blast. Saturday not much went on. Sunday I went to the church service and to small group that night. And yesterday I went to the Doc like I had said eariler. We were going to go to a concert at our church but as we were driving away Joshua decided that he had better not go cause he was not feeling very well. He got the flu and spent a very yucky night last night with the effects of it. He's sleeping now and hopefully will be able to start drinking a little bit soon. During my recouperating I will be reading alot and probably watching some TV, writing, keeping up with e-mails and blogs and I don't know what else. I still have to keep ice on my foot pretty often so there's not a whole lot of walking around for me yet. Here are some pictures that we took yesterday before we took my mom to the airport.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

You guys are the cutest ever! Nice pedicure in that first picture. Your feet are so pretty! Ha ha!

I hope you both recuperate quickly and are bounding right back. Hey, will you be pretty much out of commission at the next P-graph? Because I requested you be my helper for the next meeting, but that probably won't work out! I was trying to give Molly a break so she could chill, but obviously I need to give YOU a break too!